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Sparrow Application
Information about how to fill out the Sparrow application.
How long will it take to fill out the Sparrow application?
Is Sparrow available to international students?
What information is considered when determining my rates?
What is the total interest expense?
What’s the difference between a soft credit check and a hard credit check?
Will multiple credit inquiries affect my credit score?
Does Sparrow offer deferments or forbearance?
Does Sparrow offer a discount for setting up automatic payments?
How do I know if I am eligible for a loan through Sparrow?
Can I get a loan if I don’t have an SSN or ITIN?
I am a U.S. citizen pursuing a degree abroad. How do I apply?
I am an international student. Can I get a student loan without a U.S. citizen cosigner?
I would like to use Sparrow but don’t have a US phone number. Can I still use Sparrow?
Am I eligible if I am unemployed?
Do I need to complete the FAFSA to use Sparrow?
What do I do if I can’t find my school on the application?
What credit score do I need to prequalify for a loan on Sparrow?
What information do I need to apply for prequalified rates through Sparrow?
What documents do I need to provide to complete the Sparrow application process?
What’s the difference between a permanent address and a mailing address?
I am going to be a freshman in college. On the degree page, it won’t accept my high school. What should I do?
I don’t see an option for the program I am pursuing. Can I still use Sparrow?
What do I do if my degree is not listed as an option?
I don’t have an annual income. Can I skip this question?
Should I include my spouse or partner’s income in my Sparrow profile?
Should I include my parent’s income in my Sparrow profile?
Does the loan amount affect the rates I am offered?
I have all the blanks filled in, but it won't let me advance to the next screen of the form.
I've filled everything out, but it won't let me save or go to the next step.
Am I guaranteed to receive prequalified rates from the lenders?
Do you save my application? Can I come back later and finish it?